Role Profile
Login Details
The USER ID must contain 8 -16 characters. It should be in the name of the institution.
The password must contain 8 -16 characters. It should also have one upper case letter, one number and one special character. Valid characters are letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9) and #, @, &, $, =, ~, %, *. Spaces are not permitted. The password is case sensitive.
The password must contain 8 -16 characters. It should also have one upper case letter, one number and one special character. Valid characters are letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9) and #, @, &, $, =, ~, %, *. Spaces are not permitted. The password is case sensitive.
Personal Details
Office Address
Contact Details (Please provide either of Mobile No. or Phone No.) *
Allowed only numbers with STD Code(e.g. 011 - 21221222).
login Please enter the code shown in the image

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Last Updated on 5th January 2024